Hiring Now

We're hiring part-time registered nurses (RNs) who want a career where they can make a difference every day. If you're interested in joining a team of professionals who love what they do every day, click here for more information. Hallmark Healthcare is locally owned and operated and is committed to high quality patient care services. … Continue reading Hiring Now

Home Services with Benefits

When it comes to caring for someone you love at home, it's not always easy to know what to do. And it's not always easy to know what's available to assist you and make it easier for both of you. Hallmark Home Health provides many services to make caregiving and nursing in the home easier … Continue reading Home Services with Benefits

Tidy Up for Spring

Spring is in the air! And that means it's also in your house. When spring rolls around, we often think of cleaning but we don't always know what to do or where to start. Whether you're cleaning your own house, you're a caregiver helping someone else, or you just like to help others clean, we've … Continue reading Tidy Up for Spring

Delivering Home Health Services with a Heart

Hallmark Home Health is honored to provide professional home health services to members of our community. Our skilled professional nurses specialize in caring for patients in the home. Their years of experience give them the confidence and skills to deliver the highest quality in-home services available. We work closely with your doctor when he/she determines … Continue reading Delivering Home Health Services with a Heart

Is it a Sinus Infection?

How do you tell if it's a sinus infection or seasonal allergies? And how can you avoid a sinus infection? A sinus infection usually presents with some typical symptoms: headache facial pain runny nose nasal congestion tooth pain pain around cheeks and face Since a sinus infection is a bacterial infection, it may require antibiotics. … Continue reading Is it a Sinus Infection?

Managing a Milk Allergy

If you or someone you know has a milk allergy, you know how uncomfortable and dangerous it can be. Milk allergy symptoms differ for people, but it can cause abdominal cramps, vomiting, itching, tingling of lips or mouth, hives, and wheezing among other symptoms. It can be a life-threatening situation if not managed properly. Milk … Continue reading Managing a Milk Allergy

Caregiver Appreciation

What is a caregiver? You may not be one and you may not need one. But that can change over time - and sometimes it changes quickly. By 2035, the US Census Bureau predicts there will be more people over 65 than the number of residents under the age of 18. And parents and their … Continue reading Caregiver Appreciation

What Does Medicare Cover?

If you or your loved one has Medicare and requires home health services, it's important to know what's covered. Medicare.gov is the website to find valuable information on available services. Medicare.gov provides the following information for Medicare recipients. Please check the website for updates or changes or contact us at Hallmark Home Health to help … Continue reading What Does Medicare Cover?