Tidy Up for Spring

Spring is in the air! And that means it’s also in your house. When spring rolls around, we often think of cleaning but we don’t always know what to do or where to start.

Whether you’re cleaning your own house, you’re a caregiver helping someone else, or you just like to help others clean, we’ve found some great tips to help.

  1. Clean the windows and inner seals once pollen settles down. This goes a long way to help keep pollen and other allergens outside.
  2. Change your air filters so air is filtered constantly. Check them again in about six weeks because spring can bring in lots of pollen, dust, and other debris that gets tracked in the filters.
  3. Dust the light fixtures and ceiling fans where dust and pollen like to hide! You can purchase an inexpensive duster with an extension arm to make it easier. And don’t forget to clean the fan blades and screens on smaller room fans too.
  4. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator, and check dates on food. We often stockpile more food in winter than we need and sometimes expiration dates surprise us. If you have food you don’t need that is not expired, consider donating to a local food bank, church, or shelter.
  5. This is a good time to turn the mattress and give it a good vacuuming. Especially good for someone who spends a lot of time in bed. Caregivers can take this small step to make a bed more comfortable for their loved ones.
  6. And don’t forget the pillows. If they’re machine washable, give them a quick spin to remove dust mites, bacteria, and other allergens.
  7. Not fun but….move the refrigerator and be sure to give the floor a good cleaning. Wipe down the back of the refrigerator to keep it in good running order for those summer fruits, vegetables, and drinks.
  8. Remove any clutter that has built up in winter months. Papers, magazines, and other things hold dust and allergens so clear them out to clear the air.
  9. Pack winter coats and sweaters away and make room for lighter summer clothes. If you don’t have closet space, you can purchase inexpensive boxes for under-bed storage.
  10. Head outside and wipe down porches and outdoor ceiling fans and lights. You’ll enjoy being outside more.

Also, if you have concerns about slips and falls for yourself or someone you provide care for, our nurses can help. Just ask them about it during their next home visit. They are able to help you assess the environment and make changes to anything that might be a potential problem. Clearing out area rugs, clutter, and lots of small things can make a difference and our nurses are happy to help.

What are your tips and ideas for a quick spring cleaning? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Enjoy spring, stay safe, and manage your health!