Tidy Up for Spring

Spring is in the air! And that means it's also in your house. When spring rolls around, we often think of cleaning but we don't always know what to do or where to start. Whether you're cleaning your own house, you're a caregiver helping someone else, or you just like to help others clean, we've … Continue reading Tidy Up for Spring

Is it a Sinus Infection?

How do you tell if it's a sinus infection or seasonal allergies? And how can you avoid a sinus infection? A sinus infection usually presents with some typical symptoms: headache facial pain runny nose nasal congestion tooth pain pain around cheeks and face Since a sinus infection is a bacterial infection, it may require antibiotics. … Continue reading Is it a Sinus Infection?

Managing a Milk Allergy

If you or someone you know has a milk allergy, you know how uncomfortable and dangerous it can be. Milk allergy symptoms differ for people, but it can cause abdominal cramps, vomiting, itching, tingling of lips or mouth, hives, and wheezing among other symptoms. It can be a life-threatening situation if not managed properly. Milk … Continue reading Managing a Milk Allergy

Is it a Meat Allergy or Something Else?

According to the College of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology (ACAAI), If your nose gets stuffy or begins to run after eating meat, or you become nauseated or develop a rash, you may have a meat allergy. Alpha-gal syndrome is a recently identified type of food allergy to red meat. ACAAI explains that meat from any … Continue reading Is it a Meat Allergy or Something Else?