Avoid Dry Skin in Winter

Dry skin can be so uncomfortable and irritating. And if you’re sick or recovering from surgery, you don’t need anything else to make you uncomfortable. If you are unsure what products are safe for you, always consult your nurse or doctor for advice.

We’re sharing some tips to help you avoid and manage your dry skin in this cold weather.

  1. Don’t use hot water but bathe or shower in warm water. Rinse with cool water to help close pores.
  2. Avoid bar soap and choose a cleansing cream or shower gel instead. Aveeno, Cetaphil, and Neutrogena are possible options.
  3. Rather than rubbing your skin with a towel, blot the skin gently. It may take a little longer to dry off but you’ll feel better and less itchy!
  4. Apply moisturizer immediately after bath or shower. Cetaphil lotion, Lupriderm, and Curel are options to consider. You can also find good moisturizers with petroleum jelly to fight dryness like Vaseline and Aquaphor. And AmLactin offers relief for some people with dry skin.
  5. Apply lotion or moisturizer whenever you wash your hands to keep them smooth and less dry.
  6. Opt for fragrance-free products. Fragrance products often make skin dry. Especially those with alcohol and retinoids.
  7. Be sure to wash clothes often and use a fragrance-free detergent.
  8. When going outdoors, wear gloves and cover your skin wherever possible.
  9. Use a humidifier indoors to keep air cooler and hydrate skin.
  10. Avoid sitting too close to a heat source like a space heater or fireplace which can dry skin faster.
  11. Drink plenty of water – dehyration causes dry skin among other things.
  12. Avoid wool clothing and blankets, or scratchy material which can irritate skin.

If your dry skin seems to be more than the result of cold weather, talk to your home health nurse or doctor. If you have eczema, psoriasis or other skin conditions, your doctor may be able to prescribe something to help.

For more information, visit the American Skin Association website.